Why Saving is Important

The future can seem a long way off but it tends to come around fast. Making a plan to save for something in particular can help achieve future plans, and can also feel very rewarding each time you reach the finish line! We never know what’s around the corner so putting a little aside on a regular basis can act like a bit of a safety net so we’re prepared should we need to pay for those unexpected things we didn’t know were coming.


More Info on Saving

There are some great tips on how to save either just to keep a little something aside for a rainy day or “goal-based” saving when you’re planning for something special.  Check out sorted.org.nz for some great tools and guides to saving including a series of questions on what you’re saving for, different types of savings accounts, accessing your money and how returns work.  Check out their site here: sorted.org.nz/guides/saving-and-investing/


Find out more from SBS Bank

Feel the need to start saving?

Find out more about Savings with SBS Bank 

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